luni, 31 ianuarie 2011

My story so far part 4: The creation

I was by far most impressed in what i read and saw by the concept of conscious creation.
Movies like "The Secret" introduced me to this concept and to the law of attraction, and it resonated with me on the spot.
I simply knew that it was real, that we are the creators of our lives.
That things occur in resonance to who we are and to our intentions.

The problems appeared when I tried to implement these ideeas in my own life. Together with two very good friends we discussed the matter tens of times, I visualized, I made lists, I tried to keep only positive thoughts in my mind and stay away from the negative ones.
The latter proved very difficult, because once you make a choice, the opposite also appears. Like two faces of a coin.

However, the results were not what I expected.This mental process proved very hard for me and I was paying much more attention to my thoughts and vizualisation than on the thing that really mattered the most: Trust in yourself.

I knew that I could do it, I knew that i was the conscious creator of my life,  but I couln't figure out how to actually bring in my life what I asked for.
I was mostly forcing things to happen and I expected them to be in a definate way.
In time, I began to move away from the mental side and tried to focus more on the "feeling" side and on the emotions.I tried to feel inside of me the things I chose.
Again, at first I achieved very little succes. More than one year after I began to try and create my life by sending thoughts  and emotions to the Universe, it happened.

At that moment I had gotten out of a long-term relationship and wanted a new girlfriend. I was on holliday and I simply made a choice, felt it for a while and then I  just released the choice.
It was the end of a nice holiday in the mountains with friends and I said to myself that no matter if I will have a new girl by the end of the week or not,I will try to feel good and enjoy the last remaining days.

And guess what, the moment I decided to let go of the control and to accept whatever follows, trying to enjoy life as much as I can in the meantime, it happened.
I managed, without effort, hocus-pocus and constant visualization, to materialize what I have chosen.
The opportunity came in the most unexpected yet simple way.

From then on, I repeated the process with other choices and had some good succes with the materialisation of them.
The faith in myself and my choices grew stronger day by day, and I was ready to enjoy this process even more.
Yet the things that followed were completely unexpected,changed my life and transformed the person I thought I was forever.

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