luni, 31 ianuarie 2011

My story so far part 13: My life now

I have gone in a few short years through some transformations that would have required entire lifetimes until now.
In this new era, in this new energy it is possible to do things different than in the past, and that is exactly what happened to me.

It felt really difficult at times, I felt that I couldn't overcome my aspects, my fears, my old belief systems.
I was down many times and felt overwhelmed.
However, I am for real, and my real choice to Live like a sovereign being, like the creator of my life, like a God an Earth was stronger than everything.

I actually began to feel like the God of my Life.
I feel peace, I feel trust in myself and perhaps the most important of all, I feel connected to my Spirit, my Divinity, my Real Self.
Although I am in human form and I enjoy it, I feel inside me the beauty and the calm of my Soul.
Many humans feel that connection only for a short period of time in early childhood, when the spirit isn't completely embodied in the human form, but later they become one with their role, with their respective aspect from that life.

I have gone through an interesting process until I got to this point, however it was completely worth it.
I can Live now, really live and enjoy Life and the present moment.
I can create whatever I want in this life.  I don't have to worry about what is going to happen, I don't have to try to control things or to fear outer events or other people.
I know that things happen always in perfect order.

In the last years, learning from my past life aspects and from my own choices and experiences, I also began to understand the causes behind human experiences.
I have still to learn, but I began to see reasons and effects that are beyond the ordinary human mind, as of now. I learned to go out of the mind and into the feeling.

That doesn't mean that I have something against the mind, on the contrary it's a formidable tool without which we couldn't live on Earth, but I understand that the mind has its role and the awareness and feelings have theirs.

Of course I also have bad days, days when I feel down or drained, days when some aspects and doubts still come out, but this is not the norm anymore.

I have had this experience with past aspect integration, but I don't think it will be a norm for everyone.
There are other ways, but one thing is certain, no matter the road, every human will get to the point when it will reunite with his Divinity.

Either in this lifetime or after many more, the end result is certain.
Everyone will get back Home.

My story so far part 12: A few things I realized on the way

I will enumerate a few things I have learned through personal experience from my life so far.
I'm sure some of them will resonate with some of you and be of use:

- It will sound weird from someone who just shared with you some of his past life experiences, but there is no Karma or destiny.
Yes, we choose sometimes limitation or experiences that help us go further in our journey to reunite with our divinity, but these thing happen only because and when we are unable to go further on our own.

If you are a conscious being, you can put an end to your karma right now, with just a simple choice.
That's all it takes.
There is no need for drama or suffering anymore, but you have to get out of the mass consciousness first.
A true creator is not bound by his past.

- Conscious and deep breathing is the tool that I found to be by far the most effective for me.
If you take a deep breath whenever faced with a situation instead of just reacting in your usual way from the past, it’s a clear sign that you give to yourself and the Universe that you want to do things different.
It changes the dynamics of the entire situation you are in.

Every time you feel fear, anxiety, thoughts that tell you are not good enough, worthy enough, thoughts of guilt, you just have to take a deep breath first. Before you try to analyze with your mind what’s going on and start a inner fight, just take a deep breath. In time you will find out ow useful such a simple, yet meaningful gesture is.

When you take a deep breath, you choose Life.
This tool was my greatest ally when facing my fears and aspects, and it had a great impact on my life.

- When the aspects came back  I started to understand the real reasons and causes behind many of the human experiences.

And I understood, that no matter how difficult the challenges and experiences are, they are the best way for the respective being to eliminate the rocks that are blocking its path.
From a human perspective, when you see people dying, women getting raped, diseases, handicaps, limitations it makes no sense. It is horrible.

But from a soul level, from the higher level, everything happens in the perfect order, every experience is given for a reason, and never, never, the suffering lasts one second more than required for the healing.
My story so far is the example of this.

However, there is another way to do things, you don't have to go through suffering and drama. You can break out of the mass-consciousness any time you wish. But you have to really make a true conscious choice in that regard.

Once you feel that everything is in perfect order, although you will many times feel sorry and mercy for the others, you will also look at things also from a higher perspective and accept that all is well in their creation.
This is the real compassion!

The same is true for your own life and experiences. The moment you accept them, even though they were sometimes hard or painfull, the moment you realise it was the experience you created at the respective moment and it served for a purpose everything will change.

Once you accept everything in your life, your body, your relationships, your past, once you accept all of them, than you can change whatever you want, if at all something needs to be changed and live your life, in a way that reflects your real essence.

Once you stop fighting and opposing resistance to the world and the Life, a huge ammount of energy that was stuck before will be available to You. You will feel a huge relief  not having to fight your fears in your mind all the time. You will feel a huge relief not having to worry about the future all the time.

Accepting things in your life and having complete trust in yourself, in your own Divinity, is one of the most challenging processes.
The difference between theory and practice is huge, I know it from my own experience, but the results are so much worth it.

We are not our past, we are not our experiences, we are not the labels that others put on us, we are not our aspects and our layers that we created.
We are far,far more grander than that. We are eternal. We are beautiful.
I feel and realise that with each passing day. If you wish, so can You!

My story so far part 11: Another look at the Law of Attraction and Conscious creation

I find it to be an important subject for a lot of people in these days, so I will give my insights based on my personal experiences.
For me the ability to create your own life, by using choice and intention, was and still is one of the greatest joys of living in this earth.
However, until you reach that point you will have to face two of the most daunting tasks for a human: dealing with trust in yourself and dealing with your old belief systems.

These are actually the two things that create your reality.
As a human on this earth, you identify yourself with your situation: your body, your family, your social stance, your culture and even your mind. Most people consider themselves only as good as the above mentioned things.

Although many people know that they are not only their bodies, they know mentally and instinctively that they have a soul, they act as if they were just the body.
The same with the other stuff like their mind, their social stance and others.
Most humans identify themselves with the role they chose to play in this life.

The moment you go beyond the role, you can break free of this mass consciousness games. Your belief systems are your own limitations, they refer to the things that you think you can or cannot achieve in this life, and to the way you think that life on earth is functioning.

However the limitations that you set for yourself are based on your old experiences and belief systems, the moment you stop identyfying yourself with your role and feel that you are at your core a divine, sovereign being all things begin to change.

Trust is another core issue. I had little trust in myself at the beginning.
Now I know, that even if someone doesn't have trust in himself or herself at a given moment, if the respective person makes a conscious and real choice in gaining the trust he longed for, it will happen.
The first step to gaining trust in yourself is as easy as making a real choice in that regard.

As far as the practical part goes, I started by considering that visualisations, control of your thoughts and all the mental practices were the one that could create my life.
I then tried to think my way to materialization and even force things to happen.
I imagined exactly how things would be when I would materialise stuff and actually tried to see the details in my mind.

Looking back, this is a really difficult and unsatisfactory way of trying to create your own life.
It will work only to some extents, with mixed results and will drain the energy out of  you.
Because it’s just a mental process.A control process.
When the aspects kicked in and hell broke loose, I found out that I couldn't control my thoughts anymore.

The “method” that has worked for me, since I first starting using this about 2-3 years ago, is different.
First of all, the choice you make must come from the Heart, not from the mind.
If you truly wish for something in your heart, you can feel the respective choice inside yourself.
You will feel it, it will be real for you. It won’t be just a mental process.
You will know that this is what you really want to do, what you really want to experience.

And here comes the other important part: You will let your choice go away.
Send it out in the Universe and let it come back in the best possible way for you at that moment.
You need trust in yourself and to stop every kind of control, you will need to trust yourself that it will happen, however it might not be in the form your mind expects it.
Your mind can only think about some limited number of variants, mostly based on past experiences, but your choice should not be limited by your mind.

At first it may look that you chose one thing and something else happened, but the events will make you realise that the perfect thing for you in that moment was manifested and it will lead you to your choice in the best way.

To summarize, the way I do it is the following: I make a real choice in my heart, feel its energy for a few moments, but don't bother with visualising,details and other mental stuff, just feel the energy of my choice inside me, and then I release it out in the Universe.

The response will come back in the best way, form and at the perfect time for me. That means not to control the outcome,it doesn't mean not to take action when it is needed. You will feel in yourself when you should act and when you should wait.
Synchronizations and signs will appear before you on the way to manifestation.

I have used this "method" for a few years now and it has worked like a charm.
I attracted friends, trips, living in new places, girlfriends, money, laptops, a car, answers, ideas, projects and other stuff. It has worked everytime, but the way it happened was unexpected most of the times, it was something my mind mostly couldn't anticipate.
However, it was always, without exception, the most suited thing for me at that moment, no matter the choice.

Another interesting thing, when you trust yourself you can really start enjoying the moment and stop worrying or planning about the future.
You can really start enjoying Life with all its wonders and little things that matter.
I'm telling you all these things because if I could do it, if it has worked for me, it can work for anyone who really wants it.

I really know that it's one thing to hear something in theory, and another thing to apply it in your own life, but you have to start from somewhere, if you wish so.
A few years ago i had no ideea and no training in this, so it's not about that.

Only one thing is important:  To really want to be a creator and to really want to trust in yourself.
Things will unfold for you from then on and results will be far grander that what you can conceive now.

My story so far part 10: Stalingrad

One night I woke up after having a terrible dream.
Soon I realized that it was not just any ordinary dream, but I remembered through it another past life.

For some days before that I felt inside me a tension, a grief and a lot of fury, as if I had lost someone.
I was looking on the Internet at some pictures of my friends, when suddenly I saw this girl.
I've never met her before in this life, however I had a strange feeling about her.

I felt that I wanted desperatly to get back to her, to tell her that I'm ok.
I stopped for a moment:I didn't knew that girl, what kind of connection could I have to her and why do i feel this desire to be together again not only with her, but with the other friends I saw in the pictures.

A few days later I had the following dream: I was an actor and we were shooting a war scene.
We were some soldiers trying to defend some kind of a bunker and to repel the attackers.
When the attack began, suddenly, I wasn't in a movie anymore.
It was for real. We were axis soldiers in Russia. It was freezing cold, and we were attacked.
We tried to repel the enemy troops, but we were outnumbered.
Then I felt a huge pain in the back and woke up.

I was really impressed with that dream.
But I didn't think that it was for real, and was sure that my subconscious was making some connections to the fact that my grandparents fought in the second world war.

However, the next days, as that aspect returned, I felt that I didn’t have just a dream that night, but it was part of my past life. The girl that I saw in the picture was my wife from then.
I had a normal life for those times until the second world war broke out and we were sent to fight against the Soviet Union. I made a vow to come back safe to my beloved wife, to my beloved hometown and friends.

I was convinced that force and determination was going to bring me back home.
In that life however, I tried to control everything and achieve results by using my will.
It was actually a commom theme in those days. I had decided to resist life and everything it throws at me with brute force and will, fighting my way to get back HOME.

It didn't work and I was killed In Russia.
The interesting fact is that I have in this life a birth mark on my back, exactly in the place I felt the pain when I was shot.

As a human who was identifying myself with my body, situation and culture from back then, it was really painfull and uncomprehensible to not be able to return home.
But from the greater perspective, it was easier to die and start again from fresh, forgetting the horrors of the war and understanding that using control to achieve your goals, even if these goals seem appropriate, is not the way to go.

In a way, after that day in Russia, I had the possibility to come and end my reincarnation circles in this life, and to begin living as an awakened being.

My story so far part 9: The reason

As time went by, many aspects came back.
They weren't all related to past lives, but it seems that there were a lot of wounds left behind.
I’m going to write in this chapter what I know about the aspects, so one can understand the reason why I mentioned them and their role in my journey.

What is an aspect? It is a part of yourself, a role that you as a being created.
We all create aspects, roles that we play in our lives: We have a role as part of the family we were born in, a role related to our job, one related to our social status, to the relationship status and so on.
We create and play hundreds of such roles during a lifetime, from the most unimportant ones to the ones who define us, or so we think.

The problem occurred when we forgot who we really are, and started identifying ourselves with the roles, or aspects, that we were playing. And that happened many lifetimes ago !
These aspects you created begin to have a will of their own which they use upon your mind, where they fight for gaining energy, if you are unaware.

How many times have you not felt that you are unworthy, or not good enough or heard a voice that was telling you that you are inferior to others?
Or perhaps a voice that paralyzed you with fear regarding a certain subject that is delicate for You?
These are all aspects, and although the physical body dies, they remain alive in a state of consciousness and transfer from one life to another, depending on the respective being.

Why did the aspects come back to me this life, when I was a completely different person? Because I made a choice before I was born in this lifetime.
I made a choice that this life I am going to end the circle, and I am going to live as an awakened being.
These wounded and hurt past-life aspects feel that there is the time to come home.
They still existed somewhere deep inside me, in a corner of my consciousness.

When they are willing to come back and seek resolution, they bring you their energy with them.
After you integrate them, you can use that energy who is now available to you to create the life that you want.
They will test you and see if you are for real, if you really want to live as a conscious being.
They seek light, they seek resolution, but also they will oppose resistance, because in a way, once they come back, they die as an identity.
They will still try and control your mind, and gain energy through that.

This is exactly what happened for me the following months and years.
I felt the aspects in my mind and tried to argue with them, fight them and so on.
The only thing that works is to know who you really are and not give away your energy to them, not try to fight mentally with them or convince them through your mind, because you will only lose that way.

It's not easy because you feel them inside, you feel their energy, but once you make a clear choice, from the heart, the power to get past them will show up from inside of you.
You are their creator, so no inner voice, feeling, role, aspect is stronger than You !

Back to my story, after each aspect I integrated I felt more and more connected to my soul.
I began to feel a beauty inside me, a peace that I only felt as a child.
I began to trust myself, my choices and also to understand that everything happens for a very good reason and in a perfect order.

I’m saying that not as a mental statement, but as a feeling and a truth inside me.
I have learned a lot about life from my past aspects also.
Every experience, every trauma is a way to bring you forward to the one big goal of your lives: To reunite yourself with your essence!

Duality is the way to achieve it, without duality you still remain in a primary state.
You are one with your essence, but you don't know it by experience.
You are like a child, who lives that state but is not aware of it.
Only through personal experience you come back to that primordial state, but not as a child, as a conscious being, aware of who he really is.

Before I jump to conclusions, I want to share with you another one of my past lives, because it is related to the first question i have asked, even before i started my spiritual journey:"Why do things happen that way?"

My story so far part 8: Pouring in

I had only one day of peace.
The next day I began to feel a huge anguish in myself, which grew larger as time went by. I felt another presence inside my mind, a really aggressive and violent one.
And above all, wounded !

It was lost, with no hope of finding a way out, a glimpse of light.
I had no idea what is was about, but when I began to breathe, another aspect, even more incredible than the first one, appeared.
I spoke again to the lady, who was now beginning to be a good friend of mine, and in her presence the voice from within came out again.

It was another past-life aspect. Again a few hundreds of years ago.  I was this time a priest somewhere in western Europe. I was not an ordinary priest, I was an Inquisitor!
A person who was once turned down from a spiritual group and found refuge in the church. He vowed revenge and vowed to force people to be good, to hear and obey the word of the Lord.

He vowed to make people be as he thought they should be. What followed was insanity. Cruelty. Torture.
He used any means neccesary to make people confess invented sins.
He put those poor humans through many sufferences.
Somewhere deep in his heart he knew it all along that it wasn't right, but he wanted to silence those
voices. I just couldn't believe it.

I was once a murderer? A cold-blooded, fanatic, religious criminal?
I have almost never gotten into a physical fight this life, I have a lot of friends and am very sociable.
Yet it seems that in the past that aspect of me did those things.

The inquisitor hated the others and punished them because he hated himself. He only wanted to destroy in the others what he hated about himself. It was just a reflection.
Yet the remembering did not stop here.

I felt inside me some of the emotions of the inquisitor after he died. He felt the pain of the victims, their struggle, their tears, their fear and anguish.
Only now did I understand the proverb that said: “What you do to others, you do to yourself”.
He tried to search for a light, to run away from those images but it was impossible.
They followed him everywhere.

This was hell. I know now that hell as imagined by the human consciousness and religion doesn't exist, that the Devil is just the other side of the coin, just a expression of duality, but hell as a state of being was something similar to what was happening to my past aspect, after that incarnation.

He somehow managed eventually to incarnate himself somewhere in the current Germany in the following life.
However the memories of his cruelty remained alive inside him.
He considered himself guilty of his past crimes, a guilt that stayed with him in his new body. He felt and knew that he was guilty for his past crimes.
He was ugly, poor and avoided by everyone.
He hated himself for what he did in his previous life. His deeds were still present in his consciousness.

What followed is that he endured the same tortures, the same brutalities and sufferings that he himself bestowed upon others in his previous life.
He was tortured and left dying outside the walls of a fortress.
He died soon after, but in his last moments, despite beeing wounded and tortured he felt he was free again. The voices of his past deeds began to be silent, and ne of his next incarnation was that of the man without legs, which i presented before.

The reason for his handicap was that he needed to try and make contact with his spirit, his inner self, and outer experiences would again have distracted him from this goal and taken him on another path.
For the person that I was back then, and who indentified himself with that body, that identity, it seemes as it was a curse from God, from the Universe.

But looking back, from a higher perspective, it was the perfect experience that I needed to get back on the journey of returning to my spirit. Of remembering who I really am.
I learned about traumatic experiences from my past aspects and about the reason there is behind such things.

My story so far part 7: The Awakening

"The voice who invaded my mind was from a person.... a person who had no legs"! said I.

He's lying in the bed, sometimes watching outside through the window, he is surrounded by people who care about him and feel that is their responsability to take care of him. However he is disrespecting them in any way he can, he is yelling and cursing the people around him, although they are only trying to please him.

He's hating them because they are free, while he is just a handicapped person, with no legs, cursed by God and the Universe.
That person, a few hundred years ago, was me!

It was my incarnation, and somehow it was coming back.  Instantly I felt a relief, and the power of the voice upon me disappeared. On the way home I couldn't believe what happened. My mind began to question everything, doubting everything, yet I knew it was true. I just knew it.

I felt relieved, like a huge burden was being lifted off my chest. For the first time in months I felt peace inside.
I could again enjoy the simple things in life. I felt like reborn again.

I understood why I love sports so much this lifetime. I played tennis, football, basketball, I went skiing, swimming, body-building and I still enjoy it.
I love to be in-form and work out. One reason for that was because deep inside me, in my DNA, I remembered how it was to be handicapped and not able to enjoy life to it's fullest, from a human perspective at least.

However I didn't understand why... why I had to go through such a challenging experience.
The answer would come very soon.

My story so far part 6: The spark

I didn't know where to find answers.
The books didn't help me. Somehow I also knew that a normal psychologist wouldn't understand.
So I wrote an long email to an author of a spiritual book who lived in my country.
I was sure he could help. However, I didn't get an answer.
Looking back from my perspective now, it was one of the best things that happened to me and in perfect order with what was to follow.

One evening I was lying in bed, and suddenly I went to the computer, and in a few minutes I found a website of a women who seemed to be appropriate for helping me. I just knew it the first time I read it.

She was living not far away from me, i wrote her an email and she agreed to meet me shortly afterwards.
She said that she has gone through the same process, and that all this voices appear because I have made a genuine choice to really LIVE my life.

I said that I wanted to be a creator and just enjoy my creations, and had no idea what this voice with the handicap had to do with it or with me. The first thing she taught me was how to breath correctly.
As little children we breathe deep into our belly, however as time progresses we stop our breathing at the level of our chest, and don't breathe deeper.

 I do breathing exercises almost every day and I never felt the need to meditate or  use any other technique since then. This is different than Yoga or other practices.
It's the simplest way of all and it requires no special training.
I would recommend it to everyone, spiritual or not.

I began to talk to the lady, who since then is one of my dearest and closest friends, and suddenly I realised what was going on. I didn't had to think about it, the answer came from somewhere deep inside me.
Although it seemed incredible, I always knew that the answer was true. I felt it.

It had something to do with past lives.
I for one did not care much about reincarnation and past lives, although I knew that it had to be a reason behind the occurrences and events and especially the living conditions and experiences of so many persons, but i didn't care much about past lives.
Sometimes, when I was younger I had a feeling when I passed next to some places that they were familiar in a way, although I wasn't there before.
The same thing happened when I met new people, many times it felt like i knew them for a long time, although we just met.

However the subject didn't really interest me that much.
As I was standing there in front of that lady, the words just came out of my mouth from a place deep within. 
And then I remembered...

My story so far part 5: The surprise

Until now, my story looks like a new-age one from the many books or movies that appeared.
Such stories can be heared pretty often.
From now on my life took another path, and way fewer have gone through this than through the above-mentioned case.

At that moment I was very happy with the progress I made in conscious creation and I was keeping a very strict eye on my thoughts.I tried to keep the negative ones away and to always have positive thoughts.
I found it to be a challenging procces and I know now that it was mostly useless.
Nonetheless my life was going the way I had planed it in my mind.

Till one day, when something happened.
I was walking on the street home after meeting some friends, when I heard a voice in my head: "I would never accept to be a physically-handicapped person, never" !

We all have many thoughts going through our heads, some crazy, some stupid or without sense or some just picked from the energies around us.
But mostly, we give little importance to them and forget them quickly.
At least that was my case till then. But this thought was different.

I didn't know why I was fearing physical handicap, as I never had such a fear in my life before.
I love my body and the way I look, actually I am proud of it, so such a thought made no sense.
Anyways I tried to erase the thought from my head and forget it, think positive, but it did not work. It was not going away. It was like a foreign, yet somehow familiar presence who had joined me and was not leaving me alone.

It had a specific energy with it that I could feel, it was not just mental.
I was feeling inside me anxiety and depression, it was as if I could feel the emotions of that unknown voice.
Nothing in my outside world had changed, things were going on as normal, but inside me i couldn't get rid of the voice.

This is were all the training in positive thinking turned against me.
Day after day I began to develop a phobia about physical handicaps, I was feeling more and more fear and anguish, but I just couldn't stop it.
It was like a external force in my head that didn't want to go away.
I tried to think positive, yet I failed miserably.
Now, not only was I afraid of this voice, I was afraid of the consequences of negative thinking, because I learned that negative thoughts attract negative experiences.

It was true to an extent, but little did I knew then in experience that things happen in the best possible way according to the consciousness level of a person.
So my fear and anguish created the reality, but it did not affect me directly.
I attracted more and more handicaped people, which in turn fueled my fears, but nothing happened with me personally.
The creation was manifested around me, but it didn’t harm me.

All the things I read weren't helpful now.
Weeks passed, months passed, and inside me was a revolt. I just couldn't be in peace anymore.
In my outside world nothing changed significantly, yet inside I was a wreck.

After a few months I decided I can't take it anymore.
The voice and the emotions that came with it were acute and I seemed helpless.
So i decided to look for help.

My story so far part 4: The creation

I was by far most impressed in what i read and saw by the concept of conscious creation.
Movies like "The Secret" introduced me to this concept and to the law of attraction, and it resonated with me on the spot.
I simply knew that it was real, that we are the creators of our lives.
That things occur in resonance to who we are and to our intentions.

The problems appeared when I tried to implement these ideeas in my own life. Together with two very good friends we discussed the matter tens of times, I visualized, I made lists, I tried to keep only positive thoughts in my mind and stay away from the negative ones.
The latter proved very difficult, because once you make a choice, the opposite also appears. Like two faces of a coin.

However, the results were not what I expected.This mental process proved very hard for me and I was paying much more attention to my thoughts and vizualisation than on the thing that really mattered the most: Trust in yourself.

I knew that I could do it, I knew that i was the conscious creator of my life,  but I couln't figure out how to actually bring in my life what I asked for.
I was mostly forcing things to happen and I expected them to be in a definate way.
In time, I began to move away from the mental side and tried to focus more on the "feeling" side and on the emotions.I tried to feel inside of me the things I chose.
Again, at first I achieved very little succes. More than one year after I began to try and create my life by sending thoughts  and emotions to the Universe, it happened.

At that moment I had gotten out of a long-term relationship and wanted a new girlfriend. I was on holliday and I simply made a choice, felt it for a while and then I  just released the choice.
It was the end of a nice holiday in the mountains with friends and I said to myself that no matter if I will have a new girl by the end of the week or not,I will try to feel good and enjoy the last remaining days.

And guess what, the moment I decided to let go of the control and to accept whatever follows, trying to enjoy life as much as I can in the meantime, it happened.
I managed, without effort, hocus-pocus and constant visualization, to materialize what I have chosen.
The opportunity came in the most unexpected yet simple way.

From then on, I repeated the process with other choices and had some good succes with the materialisation of them.
The faith in myself and my choices grew stronger day by day, and I was ready to enjoy this process even more.
Yet the things that followed were completely unexpected,changed my life and transformed the person I thought I was forever.

My story so far part 3: The first steps

Although the question remained in my mind and I knew I didn't want to live without knowing the answer, the next months continued normally.
In the autumn of that year I was in the hospital for one week and although It was nothing severe in the long-term, I had to rest for a few weeks afterwards at home, as my liver was still recovering and I was sleepy most of the time.

I was staying at my parents house for that period and got bored soon just watching TV.
I couldn't yet leave the house, so I searched for a book to read.
To my surprise, I found a book that changed my perspective about life.

For the person I am now such a book seems obsolete, but at that time is was the perfect variant.
The book was written by a Indian master, Osho, and presented a new way to see the life, which I immediately embraced.
From that moment on, I was constantly attracted to spiritual books.

I didn't have much personal experience and my life went on as normal, but metaphysichal books such as "The red Lion" by Maria Szepes, "The Initiate" by Elisabth Haich,"The power of the subconscious" or "Conversatios with God" by N.D. Walsh opened up new perspectives from me.
 I was reading them like a madman, with a hunger for knowdledge I have never shown before.

I began to look at the world and individual stories with different eyes, I began to meditate and to be much more aware of things around me, yet still everything was happening more at an mental level and although I found myself resonating with many of the things I read, it was still mostly the experience of others and not my own.

My story so far part 2: The sign

I wasn't really interested in the reasons behind human experiences, I just took them for granted, like most people.
However, something happened some 6 years ago when I was 20 and just started the college.

I saw on TV that a truck carrying petrol had an accident and blew up on the road minutes later, killing some people.
The news that followed however, shocked me: hearing about the accident, some locals got out of their houses and went to the roadway to help the people involved.
That's when the explosion occurred, killing the innocent peoples who wanted to help together with the others.
I had heard many stories about innocent people dying, but for the first time I was enraged by what I heard.

For the first time I asked the question: WHY?  Why did things had to happen that way? It makes no sense.
It was cruel and unfair, so I thought.
I was confused and annoyed. Looking back, I see that asking that question was the signal that i sent out in the Universe that I was ready, ready to get out of my ignorance about life.

My story so far part 1: The beginning

I was a normal kid and teenager, with a happy and careless life.
With lots of friends, a nice and caring family, I was involved in many activities, especially sport-related,while spirituality was never my concern.
I was only interested in girls,friends,parties,sports,all normal stuff for a teenager.

Despite the fact that there was always a strange feeling in me, since I was a child,that life the way most humans live it is incomplete, a illusion and just a small part of  what it could really be.
I also had strange and beutifull memories from my childhood, in the back of my memory there were some weird, yet peacefull memories about a familiar presence that was along me in those early days of my life.

Although I was raised in a christian family with strong beliefs in God, I never really cared much about the religion and religious beliefs.
That helped me discover my own way easier.

I wanted to live and enjoy life, and that was what I did.
But i never really questioned the things around me, and existential problems were my last concern.
Till one day...