luni, 31 ianuarie 2011

My story so far part 12: A few things I realized on the way

I will enumerate a few things I have learned through personal experience from my life so far.
I'm sure some of them will resonate with some of you and be of use:

- It will sound weird from someone who just shared with you some of his past life experiences, but there is no Karma or destiny.
Yes, we choose sometimes limitation or experiences that help us go further in our journey to reunite with our divinity, but these thing happen only because and when we are unable to go further on our own.

If you are a conscious being, you can put an end to your karma right now, with just a simple choice.
That's all it takes.
There is no need for drama or suffering anymore, but you have to get out of the mass consciousness first.
A true creator is not bound by his past.

- Conscious and deep breathing is the tool that I found to be by far the most effective for me.
If you take a deep breath whenever faced with a situation instead of just reacting in your usual way from the past, it’s a clear sign that you give to yourself and the Universe that you want to do things different.
It changes the dynamics of the entire situation you are in.

Every time you feel fear, anxiety, thoughts that tell you are not good enough, worthy enough, thoughts of guilt, you just have to take a deep breath first. Before you try to analyze with your mind what’s going on and start a inner fight, just take a deep breath. In time you will find out ow useful such a simple, yet meaningful gesture is.

When you take a deep breath, you choose Life.
This tool was my greatest ally when facing my fears and aspects, and it had a great impact on my life.

- When the aspects came back  I started to understand the real reasons and causes behind many of the human experiences.

And I understood, that no matter how difficult the challenges and experiences are, they are the best way for the respective being to eliminate the rocks that are blocking its path.
From a human perspective, when you see people dying, women getting raped, diseases, handicaps, limitations it makes no sense. It is horrible.

But from a soul level, from the higher level, everything happens in the perfect order, every experience is given for a reason, and never, never, the suffering lasts one second more than required for the healing.
My story so far is the example of this.

However, there is another way to do things, you don't have to go through suffering and drama. You can break out of the mass-consciousness any time you wish. But you have to really make a true conscious choice in that regard.

Once you feel that everything is in perfect order, although you will many times feel sorry and mercy for the others, you will also look at things also from a higher perspective and accept that all is well in their creation.
This is the real compassion!

The same is true for your own life and experiences. The moment you accept them, even though they were sometimes hard or painfull, the moment you realise it was the experience you created at the respective moment and it served for a purpose everything will change.

Once you accept everything in your life, your body, your relationships, your past, once you accept all of them, than you can change whatever you want, if at all something needs to be changed and live your life, in a way that reflects your real essence.

Once you stop fighting and opposing resistance to the world and the Life, a huge ammount of energy that was stuck before will be available to You. You will feel a huge relief  not having to fight your fears in your mind all the time. You will feel a huge relief not having to worry about the future all the time.

Accepting things in your life and having complete trust in yourself, in your own Divinity, is one of the most challenging processes.
The difference between theory and practice is huge, I know it from my own experience, but the results are so much worth it.

We are not our past, we are not our experiences, we are not the labels that others put on us, we are not our aspects and our layers that we created.
We are far,far more grander than that. We are eternal. We are beautiful.
I feel and realise that with each passing day. If you wish, so can You!

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