luni, 31 ianuarie 2011

My story so far part 11: Another look at the Law of Attraction and Conscious creation

I find it to be an important subject for a lot of people in these days, so I will give my insights based on my personal experiences.
For me the ability to create your own life, by using choice and intention, was and still is one of the greatest joys of living in this earth.
However, until you reach that point you will have to face two of the most daunting tasks for a human: dealing with trust in yourself and dealing with your old belief systems.

These are actually the two things that create your reality.
As a human on this earth, you identify yourself with your situation: your body, your family, your social stance, your culture and even your mind. Most people consider themselves only as good as the above mentioned things.

Although many people know that they are not only their bodies, they know mentally and instinctively that they have a soul, they act as if they were just the body.
The same with the other stuff like their mind, their social stance and others.
Most humans identify themselves with the role they chose to play in this life.

The moment you go beyond the role, you can break free of this mass consciousness games. Your belief systems are your own limitations, they refer to the things that you think you can or cannot achieve in this life, and to the way you think that life on earth is functioning.

However the limitations that you set for yourself are based on your old experiences and belief systems, the moment you stop identyfying yourself with your role and feel that you are at your core a divine, sovereign being all things begin to change.

Trust is another core issue. I had little trust in myself at the beginning.
Now I know, that even if someone doesn't have trust in himself or herself at a given moment, if the respective person makes a conscious and real choice in gaining the trust he longed for, it will happen.
The first step to gaining trust in yourself is as easy as making a real choice in that regard.

As far as the practical part goes, I started by considering that visualisations, control of your thoughts and all the mental practices were the one that could create my life.
I then tried to think my way to materialization and even force things to happen.
I imagined exactly how things would be when I would materialise stuff and actually tried to see the details in my mind.

Looking back, this is a really difficult and unsatisfactory way of trying to create your own life.
It will work only to some extents, with mixed results and will drain the energy out of  you.
Because it’s just a mental process.A control process.
When the aspects kicked in and hell broke loose, I found out that I couldn't control my thoughts anymore.

The “method” that has worked for me, since I first starting using this about 2-3 years ago, is different.
First of all, the choice you make must come from the Heart, not from the mind.
If you truly wish for something in your heart, you can feel the respective choice inside yourself.
You will feel it, it will be real for you. It won’t be just a mental process.
You will know that this is what you really want to do, what you really want to experience.

And here comes the other important part: You will let your choice go away.
Send it out in the Universe and let it come back in the best possible way for you at that moment.
You need trust in yourself and to stop every kind of control, you will need to trust yourself that it will happen, however it might not be in the form your mind expects it.
Your mind can only think about some limited number of variants, mostly based on past experiences, but your choice should not be limited by your mind.

At first it may look that you chose one thing and something else happened, but the events will make you realise that the perfect thing for you in that moment was manifested and it will lead you to your choice in the best way.

To summarize, the way I do it is the following: I make a real choice in my heart, feel its energy for a few moments, but don't bother with visualising,details and other mental stuff, just feel the energy of my choice inside me, and then I release it out in the Universe.

The response will come back in the best way, form and at the perfect time for me. That means not to control the outcome,it doesn't mean not to take action when it is needed. You will feel in yourself when you should act and when you should wait.
Synchronizations and signs will appear before you on the way to manifestation.

I have used this "method" for a few years now and it has worked like a charm.
I attracted friends, trips, living in new places, girlfriends, money, laptops, a car, answers, ideas, projects and other stuff. It has worked everytime, but the way it happened was unexpected most of the times, it was something my mind mostly couldn't anticipate.
However, it was always, without exception, the most suited thing for me at that moment, no matter the choice.

Another interesting thing, when you trust yourself you can really start enjoying the moment and stop worrying or planning about the future.
You can really start enjoying Life with all its wonders and little things that matter.
I'm telling you all these things because if I could do it, if it has worked for me, it can work for anyone who really wants it.

I really know that it's one thing to hear something in theory, and another thing to apply it in your own life, but you have to start from somewhere, if you wish so.
A few years ago i had no ideea and no training in this, so it's not about that.

Only one thing is important:  To really want to be a creator and to really want to trust in yourself.
Things will unfold for you from then on and results will be far grander that what you can conceive now.

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